Friday, 16 October 2015

Top 5 favourite apps

Hi Everyone, 

Again I'm stuck for blogpost ideas and this one is going up much later because to be honest I forgot to write one today! So I am going to show you my top five favourite apps on my phone right now (in order)

1. Snapchat - I love snapchat! Its the first thing I go on when I go on my phone to sends snaps and check other peoples stories, I just like the idea of it.

2. Youtube - Who doesn't love to watch a bit of youtube now and again?! When I'm bored or I'm waiting for someone particular to upload (usually a Sunday) then I will constantly be checking Youtube.

3. Instagram - I feel like a lot of people could sit on Instagram and scroll for a solid hour to see peoples updates; well I could anyway. I just think it is more interesting than see 'statuses' you can see pictures instead which are more interesting!

4. Wunderlist - This app is so helpful and when I got it, it was free which I was surprised as its really good. Basically this app lets you make as many 'lists' as you like which I know sounds really boring but is really helpful. Some lists I have made are - Birthday wish list, Christmas presents for Family and Friends, to do, things I want to buy, movies to watch and many more; I have a lot! You can also share the lists with other people even if they don't have the app, by emailing the lists to them so I think it is extremely useful! 

5. Township - I am kind of addicted to this at the moment, I heard about it from Zoe and Alfie and I really like it. I always like those kind of games anyway and another one would be Hay day so I would recommend that for when your bored. 

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